Sunday, April 19, 2009

i love you more than

i love you more than you know.i want to hold tight so that you will fall down and break,any time i see you my heart jump and jealous when i see you talking to some one .i love you forever.this will lead us to marriage.

I know that u forget

I know that u forget me for ever and u never came back
but i still waiting for u

can u close ur

can u close ur eyes for a minute plzzzzz...

thank u ..did u feel hw dark it was?
this is my life w/o "U"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A warm HELLO doesnt

A warm HELLO doesnt come from d lips, it comes from d heart; doesnt have 2 b told, it has 2 b shown; doesn't have 2 b given, it has 2 b sent.

A SMILE is a way

A SMILE is a way of writing ur thots on ur face, telling others dat dey r ACCEPTED, LIKED & APPRECIATED. So here's a BIG SMILE just 4 u...(",) GUD AM !

I woke up 2day smiling

I woke up 2day smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from now, I will still be waking up smiling 4 the same reason.

The texts u send

The texts u send me nite & day lyk jewels in my hart dey stay...And so 2 God I always pray d best of blessings be urs each day.

God gave me you so

God gave me you so I won't be blue, to keep me company so there's no need to worry. Through good and bad, I know, I have a friend so dear, so true, and that friend is you. Take care!